Orbs, Stars or Drone?

Posted by Mindy Harris on

For as long I can recall there has been a camp of science people who don't believe in religion and are skeptical about the creation of man.  The other team is a group who believe in some degree in organized religion.  Its interesting to see what the effect of the swarming drones and orbs will be on the community and on individual's  want for group religion versus group science. What if the aliens we perceive are attracted to our Christmas lights and only that and come in peace?

We all will see what the next year brings. Lets enjoy the heavens above each night filled with stars and other signs of life in our universe without fear.  If they wanted to destroy us it appears that would have already happened and I would not be writing this post.

Gold is one of those metals that has value and is portable its called fungible. Keep buying these trinkets for your loved ones.  They can carry them on their person and that are not toxic in comparison to a bitcoin.

I wish everyone that reads this a good safe and prosperous new year.  Who knows where our next NFL fans will come from?  Enjoy your New Year's Eve.

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