
Time to Buy Gold for Valentine's day

Posted by Mindy Harris on

Consider gold when choosing a gift this Valentine's week for its appeal and investment potential. 

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Orbs, Stars or Drone?

Posted by Mindy Harris on

We all will see what the next year brings. Lets enjoy the heavens above each night filled with stars and other signs of life in our universe without fear.  If they wanted to destroy us it appears that would have already happened and I would not be writing this post.

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The Story of Second Chances: Alfred Nobel and the Power of Change

Posted by Mindy Harris on

In a week like this in 1898, an unusual event unfolded that gave Alfred Nobel, the famous inventor of dynamite, an unexpected second chance. Nobel and his brother were pictured together in the news, but a journalist mistakenly reported that Alfred had died instead of his brother Ludvig. This error led to a premature obituary for Alfred, dubbing him the "Doctor of Death" due to his invention of dynamite, which had been widely used in warfare and destruction. Imagine the shock of reading your own obituary, especially one that condemns your life's work! This was Nobel's reality—he was alive, yet...

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Codeblue and Aging

Posted by Mindy Harris on

Reflecting on aging, I realize I'm ancient in dog years. My journey in the jewelry business began during my early years as a mother. Before my son was born, I faced pregnancies and made difficult decisions. Twice in my twenties, I experienced unplanned pregnancies, opting for abortions. During my first marital pregnancy, I nearly lost my life due to complications that led to severe hemorrhaging. In today's Florida, I found myself six weeks pregnant and faced another challenging decision. Despite pressure, I refused a procedure that could have terminated the pregnancy. That night, I hemorrhaged and was rushed to the...

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"Timeless Elegance: Communion Gifts and Flower Girl Adornments for Cherished Moments"

Posted by Mindy Harris on

Introduction: As cherished milestones approach, finding the perfect gift imbued with meaning and beauty becomes paramount. For the client seeking a communion gift or the American bride envisioning her flower girls' radiant procession, the journey begins with discovering adornments that symbolize purity, grace, and enduring elegance. Join us on a journey through timeless treasures crafted to adorn the hearts and memories of these special occasions. Communion Gifts: The sacrament of communion is a sacred moment in a young Christian's life, symbolizing spiritual growth and a deeper connection with faith. For the conservative Christian seeking a communion gift that reflects reverence...

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